Dubai, UAE: Dar Al Ber Society has conferred the Charity Personality of the Year award upon the sons of the late Abdullah Hassan Al Rostamani in recognition of their tireless support to Dar Al Bar Society charity projects locally and worldwide.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum presented the reward to the winner during the 12th ‘Mother of Giving’ ceremony at the Dubai World Trade Centre in the presence of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

H.E. Khalfan Khalifa Al Mazrouie, Chairman of Dar Al Ber Society, said Al Rostamani sons well deserve the honouring “in appreciation to their charitable and humanitarian support to the Dar Al Bar Society for the benefit of indigent people.”

Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, Executive Director of Dar Al Ber, expressed his sincere gratitude to the Abdullah Al Rostamani sons for their “relentless charity efforts to ease the suffering of needy people and low-income families.”